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19 April 2015 Update

20150414_183908.jpgMelissa at our picnic spot

It’s been another wonderful, low-stress week in Switzerland. The weather was perfect nearly all week, with temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s and clear skies.  The sky was so clear that I think this week has given us the best views of the Alps yet!

Tuesday was such a nice day we just had to get out and enjoy it, so we had a picnic by the lake for dinner.  It’s hard to believe sometimes such beautiful and dramatic  scenery is right outside our window.

lineatepfl.jpgPeople crowding around to see the Presidents

Thursday Melissa found out the university library was closed again. This is proving to be the best sign that something newsworthy is happening, and when she asked around, she found out there was a visit between two different university presidents (including the president of EPFL), and the Swiss and French presidents.  They had gathered for a photo op to celebrate the signing of an agreement between French speaking universities to work more closely together.  Below is a link to an English article about the meeting. After spending our whole lives in the Midwest,  it’s still strange, and a little bit exciting, to live in a place where so many different heads-of-state come to meet.

cullyjazzwindow.jpgCully Jazz Festival (short audio clip below)

Thursday night we joined some of Melissa’s work colleagues to experience the Cully Jazz Festival.  Cully is a small village in the Lavaux wine region with tightly spaced buildings on narrow cobblestone streets.  The festival lasts 9 days, and spreads out through the whole old town and waterfront of Cully.

We arrived by a crowded train, then made our way through packed, narrow streets to the waterfront, and food stands.  At the waterfront there was a large tent where the festival headliners perform, but it requires paid admission.  Our group spent money on dinner and wine, then left the waterfront to explore the area’s of the city with free performances.

On every street we walked there were small crowds of people gathered around open doors.  The free jazz was in the businesses that produce and sell wine called “caveaus”.  The seating was limited inside, but standing by an open door or window, along a dark and narrow crooked street, among the antique European buildings, gave a different and fun concert experience.

We spent enough time at the festival to walk most of the streets and stop to listen at most of the caveaus, then headed back around 10 p.m. by train.

Our weekend was quiet and relaxing, just hanging around the apartment.  We are enjoying falling back into a boring routine.

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